TEM – Thermal Energy Method Deburring

The Thermal Energy Method of deburring (TEM) is also known as explosive or gas deburring.  Components are placed in a pressure chamber that is then filled with a gas mixture and ignited.  Suitable combustible gases are hydrogen, methane and natural gas.

The temperature increases within milliseconds to between 2500°C and 3000°C when the gas mixture is ignited.  Due to their surface to volume ratio, the burrs on the components absorb radiant heat that cannot be diverted into the interior of the components.  This results in the accumulation of heat that burns up the burr.  An oxide is deposited on the component’s surface.

IHL uses the DURR Ecoclean GmbH Universal 71W Cleaning Machine to clean the components that are deburred in the TEM.  The DURR uses environmentally friendly water based solutions and has a waste water free operation.  It also includes an ultrasonic cleaning cycle which ensures all components are completely dirt free which is critically important for hydraulic manifolds.